Brevetto del Grappa

The absolute protagonists are the 10 Climbs, all so different, but demanding and certainly unique. Hard ramps, less hard, ups and downs, but scenically unforgettable paths that pass through woods, pastures, huts, war testimonies and breathtaking views of the Veneto plain and the surrounding peaks of the Dolomites. Climbs that have nothing to envy to the great Alpine climbs: in fact, it is not easy to find passes with such an always significant difference in height, which has 1,775 meters to the summit, and so many accesses.

What We Do

The plain at Cima Grappa is lost on the horizon: a unique emotion that leaves its mark... Each of us then decides what space to have in this cycling experience, which tests us, passionately, in always finding more a limit to travel, an uphill road, even within oneself, because fatigue teaches, as well as satisfying, and becomes a teacher of life, thus making us appreciate the little things of every day. This "pedaling" can also become joy and hope for some..., so here is the ultimate meaning of this and of the editions that ENERGIAPURA offers.

The ascents of the M.Grappa patent, with their uniqueness, are now NOMINATED CLIMBS. Anyone who believed in this initiative puts your name, your company at stake; so each of these 10 climbs also has a new name that adds value to your climbing and to your enjoyment.

Proceeds from the initiative will be donated to the CITTÀ DELLA SPERANZA Foundation, to which we have dedicated climb n.9.


The ascents of the Brevetto del Grappa, with their uniqueness, are now NOMINATED CLIMBS. Anyone who believed in this initiative puts your name, your company at stake; so each of these 10 climbs also has a new name that gives added value to your climbs and your enjoyment. The proceeds of the initiative will be donated to the CITTA' DELLA SPERANZA Foundation, to which we dedicated climb n.9. Info on the Facebook page: Patent of Grappa.


From Romano d'Ezzelino to Cima Grappa - Strada "Cadorna" - Stamping at the Bar ROME
Romano d'Ezzelino (Vicenza) - Via Roma, 70
tel. 0424.32250


Km 27


average 6% - max 10%

Of the climbs to Monte Grappa, it is perhaps the easiest. To be chosen as the first climb if we then have to face the others. Road chosen by the Giro d'Italia, it is also famous for the Bassano - Monte Grappa amateurs, in which champions such as Gino Bartali, Ivan Gotti, Gilberto Simoni, Damiano Cunego...

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From Semonzo to Cima Grappa - Strada "Giardino" - Stamping at the TILLY'S LOCANDA
Semonzo del Grappa (Treviso) - Via Casale, 87
CLOSED on Mondays - tel. 0423.561418


Km 20


average 8% - max 14%

Initially a very panoramic road, with spectacular balconies overlooking the plain below. It is demanding from the start to the top, but quiet and with little traffic. Training road preferred by cyclists of all categories, for amateur and professional competitions.

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From Fietta a Cima Grappa - Il salto della capra - Timbratura all'Ostaria DA MIKY
Fietta del Grappa (Treviso) Via Sant'Andrea, 4
CHIUSO al Lunedì - tel. 348.5857374


Km 22


average 10% - max 20%

The road rears up just after San Liberale and has its hardest stretch at the "salto della capra" bogeyman of all cyclists: before the "Pian dèa Bala", on what is called the "lookout road" , the "Mortirolo del Veneto" with its thrilling 600 meters.. To complete the rest.

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From Possagno to Cima Grappa - Strada "degli Alpini" - Stamping at Caffè Canova
Possagno (TV) - Via Canova, 19
CLOSED on Monday - tel. 328 9763919


Km 22


media 10% - max 20%

Road for other efforts with tough sections even for the most trained cyclists. In the locality of Archeson, after an initial easy stretch, the "strada degli Alpini" offers demanding slopes alternating with more pedalable sections. From the 5th km a nice uphill stretch and after a little breather, another pull towards Monte Tomba. finished? Maybe..

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From Cavaso del Tomba to Cima Grappa - Strada del "Tomba" - Stamping at Pizzeria/Tennis BASSO
Cavaso del Tomba (TV) - Via San Pio X°, 243
CLOSED at Monday - tel. 0423.562228


Km 23


average 10% - max 16%

The "strada del Tomba" is very tough which, although it winds through the typical foothill forest, passes under Monte Palon and literally climbs up towards Archeson, Bocaor and Cima Grappa. Once you emerge on the meadows of Val delle Mure, you will appreciate the panorama of the Venetian plain before the last assault on Cima Grappa.

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From Pederobba to Cima Grappa - Strada della "Monfenera" - Stamping at Bar KIKKO
Pederobba (Treviso) - Via Roma, 100
CHIUSO al Martedì pom - tel. 340.3845404


Km 25


average 7% - max 15%

Almost constantly immersed in the green of the beech woods, first, and then pine, the "Monfenera road" looks like the classic road for a Sunday outing, but even here you don't mess around, despite the woods making it easier to cycle. The hardest stretch is the one that leads from an altitude of 800 to 1,300 meters above sea level.

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From Alano di Piave to Cima Grappa - Strada del "Grappa" - Stamping at Caffè SPERANZA
Alano di Piave (Belluno) - Piazza Martiri, 7
CHIUSO al Giovedì e Domenica Pomeriggio - tel. 320.0958926


Km 24


average 10% - max 14%

Variant to go up to Monte Tomba from the north side, the "strada del Grappa" starts from Alano di Piave and reaches Cima Grappa from Valle delle Mure. Initially pedalable, in the end it joins climbs 3, 4, 5 and 6 where the most difficult sections meet. With little traffic, out of season you may find yourself walking it alone.

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From Seren to Cima Grappa - Strada "Chiesa nuova - San Luigi" - Stamping at Bar VITOCCO
Seren del Grappa (Belluno) - Piazza T. Vecellio, 14
CHIUSO al Mercoledì - tel. 0439.44039


Km 25


average 7% - max 20%

Climb with prohibitive slopes with a very narrow roadway. From the "Pian della Chiesa", the road climbs moderately up to an altitude of 600 meters, from where the toughest climb starts: 2 km with average slopes of 15% reaching 20%. In short, there are few stretches in which to catch your breath.

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From Caupo to Cima Grappa - Strada "Cadorna" Nord - Stamping at BAVARIAN CAFE'
Caupo di Seren (BL) - Piazza Umberto II° , 9
CHIUSO al Lunedì


Km 28


media 6% - max 12%

Challenging climb, but calm and beaten several times also by the Giro d'Italia. Due to its length and height difference (1,542 m) it seems like an interminable climb. After an initial stretch with a very demanding hairpin bend and a regular slope, the route crosses the woods looking towards Fonzaso. Below is another challenging section that alternates very hard stretches with slight slopes. From the Forcelletto, you go around Monte Pertica up to the Scarpon refuge, to rejoin the "Cadorna" which finally leads to the Bassano refuge.

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From Cismon to Cima Grappa - Strada del "Col dei prai" - Stamping at Bar NAZIONALE
Cismon del Grappa (VI) - Via V. Veneto, 8
CHIUSO al Lunedì - tel. 348.6026595


Km 26


average 8% - max 20%

It starts in the north of the town, from via St.Laurent and is a forest-pastoral road forbidden to the transit of motorized vehicles. It is all asphalted, with the exception of two stretches of 200 and 600 meters. easy dirt road. According to the "climbers of Grappa" the slopes of the first section are demanding. Then the road winds through hills, meadows and woods, in absolute silence. It flows onto the Cadorna road, coming from Caupo, before the Forcelletto. Also excellent for mountain bikes.

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Brevetto del Grappa - MT Bike


5 different MTB climbs are proposed to reach Cima Grappa, starting from each of the public establishments listed in the travel notebook.



Strada "Moschina e delle Penise" - Stamping: loc. ROMANO D'EZZELINO (VI)
Bar Roma - Via Roma, 70
Tel. 0424.32250


Km 42

From Campo Solagna along the Penise road, with spectacular views of the underlying Brenta Canal and the Asiago plateau, you reach the former Finestron refuge. From here, continue along the wooded Moschina to reach Magnola, passing Col della Beretta and Monte Asolone to the north. Passing through the Cason del Termine, you end up on the SS 148 and at the nearby hotel at Forcelletto. Right in front of the path n. 10 (naturalistic ring of Grappa) which cuts the eastern ridge of Pertica and passing through the old NATO base allows access to the sacred area of Cima Grappa.

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Strada “DEL COVOLO” sentiero 105 - Stamping: CRESPANO DEL GRAPPA (TV)
Ristorante Al Covolo - Via Madonna del Covolo, 149
Tel. 0423.53207 MARTEDÌ CHIUSO


Km 10

Mulattiera track with a fairly compact gravel bottom, which winds in almost 40 tight bends that lead up to Malga Ardosetta and then up to the paved road for Valle delle Mure at Cima Grappa. On clear days you have the opportunity to see even the Venice lagoon. It is not uncommon to see chamois and roe deer, which are numerous in this valley...

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Strada "Pederobba Villa Viola" - Stamping: POSSAGNO (TV)
Caffè Canova - Via Canova, 19


Km 24

From the Ico tavern in Possagno you get to the famous Canovian Temple where the long climb begins. In the first part the climb is moderately demanding, while after Villa Viola it becomes considerably more difficult. Once you reach the paved road, the climb becomes easy along the hairpin bends of Monte Palon and Bocca di Forca, ending at the Bocca dell'Archeson and then continuing towards the S.P. 141 Dorsale del Grappa, and then towards the SP 14th Cima Grappa.

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Strada "Seren Pian dea Bala" - Stamping: SEREN DEL GRAPPA (BL)
Bar Vitocco - Piazza T. Vecellio, 14
Tel. 0439.44039


Km 25

From Seren del Grappa continue towards the wooded road that goes to Monte Peurna, in a series of numerous hairpin bends. Then going up an old mule track built by the Austrian military army during the First World War, crossing a suggestive tunnel, you arrive at Pian dea Bala. Continue on the S.P. 141 Dorsale del Grappa, and then take the S.P.149 General Giardino towards Cima Grappa.

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"Sentiero 196 (95) - Strada delle Malghe" - Stamping: loc. CASSANEGO di BORSO del G. (TV)
BIKE PARK Grappa Gravity Games
Via Caio Vettonio - Tel. 345.5775661


Km 16

Trail 196 (95) starts from Cassanego di Borso del Grappa and after km. 5.4 arrives on the road to Campo Croce. From the little church of Campo Croce go up after 500 m on a short climb to Case Piedor, turn right into the Malghe path. From this path you can slowly enjoy nature in all its splendor, therefore, for the S.P. 149 General Giardino towards Cima Grappa.

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Our Partners

Our stores

  • Energia Pura Outlet - Via Jolanda 59 Stroppari di Tezze sul Brenta (VI) - Tel: 0424 539435
  • Stocchero Cicli - Via Marsan 16 Marostica (VI) - Tel: 0424 75468
  • Cicli Rossi - Via Giovanni Pascoli 38 Dueville (VI) - Tel: 0444 590781
  • Cicli Argentin - Via Borgo Vicenza 54 Castelfranco Veneto (TV) - Tel: 0423 720567
  • Mito Sport - Villaggio Giovanni Paolo, 61/63 Marostica (VI) - Tel: 0424 77316
  • Ricevitoria tabacchi bar VITOCCO - Piazza T. Vecellio, 14 Seren del Grappa (BL) - Tel: 0439 44039
  • Edicola tabacchi BOLZAN - Via Roma, 90/a Pederobba (TV) - Tel: 0423 689028
  • Edicola FERRACIN - Riva IV Novembre Cittadella (PD) - Tel: 049 9400333
  • L'Antica Abbazia - Via Cenghia, 82 Semonzo di Borso del Grappa (TV) - Tel. 0423 561150
  • Grappa Gravity Games - Via Caio Vettonio Loc. Cassanego di Borso del Grappa (TV) - Tel. 345 5775661
  • Carisma Torri di Quartesolo (VI) - Tel. 0444 380210
  • Cicli Premier - Via Lorenzo Perosi 3 S.Zenone degli Ezzelini (TV) - Tel: 0423 968553
  • Cervellin Cicli Sport Europa - Via Pozzetto, 26 Cittadella (PD) - Tel: 049 5970576
  • Cicli Galetti - Via Borgo Vicenza, 179 Cittadella (PD) - Tel: 345 343 1250
  • Edicola Tabacchi ZILIO - Via Generale Giardino, 81/a Romano d'Ezzelino (VI) - Tel: 0424 280430
  • Edicola VERDI - Piazza Verdi, 14 Montebelluna (TV) - Tel: 0423 23186
  • Edicola GIORGIONE - Piazza Giorgione Castelfranco Veneto (TV) - Tel: 0423 723218
  • Rifugio BASSANO - Cima Grappa Crespano del Grappa (TV) - Tel: 0423 53101
  • Garden Relais - Via Caose, 22 Borso del Grappa (TV) - Tel. 0423 910858
  • Hotel Belvedere - Viale delle Fosse, 3 Bassano del Grappa (VI) - Tel. 0424 529845
  • L'Oste del Brenta - Via S. Marco, 115 Ponte di Brenta (PD) - Tel. 347 2948598
  • Bar Camposalagna - Via Campo, 6 Camposolagna (VI) - Tel. 0424 556197
  • Premiata Birreria Cornale - Via Piovega di Sotto, 7 Enego (VI) - Tel. 0424 92554

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