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Italian dealers

The points of sale that deal with ENERGIAPURA products have a reasoned coverage throughout the Italian territory: experience, competence and purchase assistance are ensured for the customer who will find all the racing products available, starting from the racing overalls up to the protections.

The points of sale that deal with ENERGIAPURA products have a reasoned coverage throughout the Italian territory: experience, competence and purchase assistance are guaranteed for the customer who will find all the racing products available, starting from the racing overalls up to the protections.


EPLUS SHOP: the distinctive brand of a selection of points of sale that have a direct link with the company and provide a "plus" of absolutely limited edition services to customers with exclusive products, supplementary to normal sales, both of racing and clothing.

Rivenditori italiani
ShopPlaceProvinceAddressTelephoneMailGet driving directions
PELLISSIER SPORTVALTOURNENCHEAOVIA CAPOLUOGO 200166/92124contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop ULISSE SPORTCOURMAYEURAOSTRADA REGIONALE 320165/842516contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop VALLEE SPORTPONT SANT MARTINAOVIA RESISTENZA 150125/809081contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop BERGLAND SNCGRESSONEY ST. JEANAOLOC. VALDOBBIA 10347/6011480contact dealerget directions
X-TremeCHAMPOLUCAOROUTE RAMEY, 630125/308758contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop 4810 SPORTCOURMAYEURAOVIA ROMA 1060165/844631contact dealerget directions
MARI SPORTCHAMPOLUCAOROUTE RAMEY, 60165/030625contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop TECHNOSPORTFRAZ. PLAN FELINAZAOCHARVENSOD, 190165/32829contact dealerget directions
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Eplus-Shop NEW BOTTERO SKILIMONE PIEMONTECNVIA GENOVA, 400171/92274contact dealerget directions
SICCARDI SPORTARTESINACNVIA ARTESINA, 29/330174/242004contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop VIGLIETTI SPORT SRLPRATO NEVOSOCNPIAZZA DODERO 210174/334272contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop ALTA QUOTA SPORT SASCESANA TORINESETOPIAZZA VITTORIO AMEDEO 10122/89210contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop BESSON SPORTSAUZE D'OULXTOVIA CLOTES, 100122/850786contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop DECA SRLOULXTOCORSO TORINO, 1180122/833838contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop DITTA ROSSIBARDONECCHIATOREGIONE MOLINO, 40122/999769contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop G2 SPORTSESTRIERETOVIA PINEROLO, 11/C0122/77444contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop NEW JOLLY SPORTTORINOTOVIA NIZZA, 51/53011/6507553contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop LIPPI SPORT SNCVARALLOVCCORSO ROMA, 580163/51562contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop PASSET SPORT SAS DI GLORIASESTRIERETOVIA LOUSET, 4/B0122/76189contact dealerget directions
SALA SPORTTORINOTOVIA ONORATO VIGLIANI 164011/6063385contact dealerget directions
POSSA SPORTDOMODOSSOLAVBCORSO P FERRARIS 290324/242534contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop Schranz sportMACUGNAGAVBVIA MONTE ROSA, 940324/65172contact dealerget directions
GIULIA (Equipe Olympique)IVREATOC.SO. GIUSEPPE PELLA, 15015/8497330contact dealerget directions
SKI GOLFSESTRIERETOVIA PINEROLO, 4/A011/9278200contact dealerget directions
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Eplus-Shop PUNTO SPORT SNCALBINOBGVIA PATRIOTI, 48035/752844contact dealerget directions
SPORT TIRABOSCHIZOGNOBGVIA CESARE BATTISTI, 230345/91237contact dealerget directions
Eplus-ShopFALETTI MULTISTORE SRLDARFO BOARIO TERMEBSC.SO LE PETIT, 150364/531113contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop NOLEGGIO DEL BONO SKI RENTPONTE DI LEGNOBSVIA CORNO D'AOLA, 240364/91104contact dealerget directions
GIALDINI SRLBRESCIABSVIA TRIUMPLINA, 45030/2002385contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop ALPI SPORT 49PONTE DI LEGNOBSVIA IV NOVEMBRE 600364/901071contact dealerget directions
ALPI SPORTBRESCIABSVIA TRIESTE 61030/47415contact dealerget directions
DAMENO SPORTMILANOMIVIALE AFFORI 1102/2619760contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop MDM LUCA SPORTMILANOMIV.LE MONTENERO, 3902/5454305contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop ROSSINI SPORTVERANO BRIANZAMIVIA COMASINA 260342/900912contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop CELSO SPORT SNCBORMIOSOVIA VALLECETTA, 50342/901459contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop IDEA SPORT DI CORVIAPRICASOVIA EUROPA, 60342/746498contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop ZINERMANN SPORTINGLIVIGNOSOVIA PLAN 21/H0342 996685contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop RINO SPORTBORMIOSOVIA MERLO 10342 903343contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop OLIVER SKI & SPORTSWEARSARONNOVAVIA SAMPIETRO, 17202/96280481contact dealerget directions
SKI STOP SPORT SERVICEMORBEGNOSOVIA SAN ROCCO, 270342611359contact dealerget directions
1550 SPORTMADESIMOSOVIA CARDUCCI, 10343/53698contact dealerget directions
CIMAFOPPOLOBGVIA RONCHI, 60345/74161contact dealerget directions
GHISLANDINEMBROBGVIA ROMA, 36035/523686contact dealerget directions
BODO SKI SHOP SASGallarateVAVia G.Matteotti, 9/A0331/795417contact dealerget directions
MAIUK SPORT SASChiesa in ValmalencoSOVia Milano, 48/A0342/451362contact dealerget directions
R&C SPORT – COLOMBO SPORTArlunoMICorso XXVI Aprile, 13002/9017409contact dealerget directions
SPORTING SAN LORENZOMilanoMIVia Carroccio, 302/49628423contact dealerget directions
SPORLAND IONATOLonato del GardaBSIl Leone Shopping Center, Via Mantova, 36030/9158194contact dealerget directions
SPORLAND RONCADELLERoncadelleBSELNÒS Shopping, Via Luigi Einaudi030/7827639contact dealerget directions
ZANI SPORTTemùBSStrada Statale 42, 270364/94183contact dealerget directions
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CATTI SPORT SRLTRAVERSETOLOPRVIA SARTI, 10521/842720contact dealerget directions
EDEN SPORTSORBOLOPRVIA G. MARCONI, 45 BIS0521/690491contact dealerget directions
GIANNI SPORT SRLFIORANO MODENESEMOVIA S FRANCESCO 119/1210536/831247contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop ZAMPOLINI SPORT SNC CERRETO LAGHIREVIA MONTE NUDA 50522/898119contact dealerget directions
FUN SPORTCodigoroFEViale Giovanni XXIII, 230533/713594contact dealerget directions
GILIOLI SPORTVignolaMOCorso Italia, 54059/771603-contact dealerget directions
SPORT SERVICEForlimpopoliFCVia Emilia per Forli, 13320543/744535-contact dealerget directions
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SPORTCLUBFIRENZEFIVIA LUNGO L'AFFRICO, 18/20R055/678868contact dealerget directions
TECNO SPORTFIRENZEDIVIA DI SOLLICCIANO, 12055/751652contact dealerget directions
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Eplus-Shop SKICENTER VARNABZBSACKERAU, 50472/838250contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop SPITALER SPORTSAPPIANO-FRANGARTOBZVIA PILLHOF, 470471/205104contact dealerget directions
SPORT FRANZLAGUNDOBZP.ZZA CHIESA, 40473/44846contact dealerget directions
SPORT MODE SCHOENHUBER SASBRUNICOBZVIA CENTRALE, 240474/555141contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop BANCHER SAS SAN MARTINO DI CASTROZZATNVIA LAGHETTO, 40439/68052contact dealerget directions
DEL PERO SPORTPASSO DEL TONALETNVIA NAZIONALE, 3/A0364/903785contact dealerget directions
IL LABORATORIOPINZOLOTNVIA BOLOGNINI, 240465/503880contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop LORENZETTI SRLMADONNA DI CAMPIGLIOTNVIA PRADALAGO, 2/N0465/441339contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop MODA SPORT SAS FOLGARIATNVIA MAFFEI 1610464/721321contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop SPORT VENTURA TESEROTNP.ZZA NUOVA, 90465/503880contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop SPORT NAVALGE MOENATNSTRADA DE S.PELEGRIN, 80462/573050contact dealerget directions
TECNOSCITRENTOTNVIA FERMI, 13/20461/914067contact dealerget directions
OUTSIDER SHOPDIMAROTNVIA TONALE, 26/A0463/757446contact dealerget directions
BOTTAMEDI RENZO & S.N.CANDALOTNVIALE TRENTO, 30461/589003contact dealerget directions
FEDRIZZI SPORTMEZZANATNLOC. MARILLEVA 1400, 530463/796145contact dealerget directions
PAPIN SPORTSAN CANDIDOBZVIA FREISING, 90474/913450contact dealerget directions
SPORTLIFEERUFFRE'TNVIA MASO MOLINI, 20463/402800contact dealerget directions
ARTICOLI SPORTIVI MALSINER KLAUSORTISEI'BZVIA REZIA, 1170471/798067contact dealerget directions
NOLEGGIO GIULIANISoraga di FassaTNStradon de Fascia, 50462/758011contact dealerget directions
SPORT POSCHCOLFOSCOBZSTR. COL PRADAT, 290471/830217contact dealerget directions
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Eplus-Shop MASTER SPORTPORCIAPNVIA BRENTELLA, 10434/590755contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop RAMONDA ABBIGLIAMENTO REANA DEL ROJALEUDVIA NAZIONALE, 90432/880154contact dealerget directions
ALTERNATIVA SPORTSistianaTSLoc, Via Sistiana, 41/D040/2916120contact dealerget directions
PIA.NOAvianoPNPiazzale della Puppa, 10434/655353contact dealerget directions
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Eplus-Shop ENERGIAPURATEZZE SUL BRENTAVIVIA JOLANDA, 590424/539435contact dealerget direction
Eplus-Shop MOROTTOCORTINA D'AMPEZZOBLLOC.TA' FIAMES, 50436/4419contact dealerget direction
SPORT TEAM SASSEDICOBLVIA AGORDINA 410437/853020contact dealerget direction
Eplus-Shop SPORTMARKET SAS CORNUDATVVIA RU BIANCO 50423/639801contact dealerget direction
Eplus-Shop PUNTO SPORTGALLIOVIVIA CAMONA, 310424/658895contact dealerget direction
CARLA SPORTSCHIOVIVIA LUIGI DALLA VIA 3/A0445/512821contact dealerget direction
VERTICAL SKI RACINGZOLDO ALTOBLVIA PECOL, 310437/788536contact dealerget direction
NORFINGiavera del MontelloTVVIA FANTE D'ITALIA, 5604/362200contact dealerget direction
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Eplus-Shop DADA ONLY SKI SRL MADDALONICEVIA FORCHE CAUDINE, 120823/436319contacts dealerget directions
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Eplus-Shop FIOCCA SNC CASTEL DI SANGROAQVIA ARCIPRETURA0864/840476contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop MODA SPORT CRI CRI RIVISONDOLIAQVIA REGINA ELENA 730864/69116contact dealerget directions
Eplus-Shop DADA SPORTROCCARASOAQVIA ROMA, 300864/661647-get directions
VG CENTODIECIPESCOCOSTANZOAQP.ZZA MUNICIPIO, 15339/5202056contatta rivenditoreottieni indicazioni
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TUTTO SPORTROMARomaVIA G.B.MORGAGNI, 806/44230421contact dealerget direction
ONE RACEROMARomaVIA FOGAZZARO, 7606/96046853contact dealerget direction
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AGEAS SRLFOLIGNOPGPiazza della Repubblica, 15-18075/5287653contact dealerget directions
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